
A number of exciting sponsorship opportunities are available for the Northern eCommerce Awards.

There are several benefits from being involved in sponsorship. These include:

  • A unique opportunity to promote your brand and engage within the eCommerce industry;
  • An unrivalled corporate hospitality opportunity with networking at a prestigious event;
  • Branding opportunities at the event and within event marketing materials.

By sponsoring one of our events, you open up several months of marketing and PR activity via the event website, email marketing, social media promotion and at the event itself.

Your investment will give your company the opportunity to meet key influencers & professionals from the industry whilst reinforcing your brand positioning.

Our sponsorship packages allow you to measure ROI through a number of metrics which may include interactions, increased footfall to your website, increased social platform follows or face-to-face connections. Just a couple of calls post-event to these connections could result in a valuable new contact and the generation of new business.

Take a look at our partners & sponsors below:

Get Involved

Opportunities are limited and we do expect them to prove popular so if you would like to get involved call Nicky at Don’t Panic on +44 (0)7813 111151 or e-mail nicky@dontpanicprojects.com.

We understand that sponsors are an essential part of any successful event and we are very keen to create partnerships that provide real benefits to the sponsors, so if none of the packages above achieve your aims and you have any other ideas then give us a call and we’ll be happy to chat.

To receive the sponsorship brochure or for further details about the opportunities available, please complete the form below.